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Choose the Right Solution by Restoring Tile and Grout

by:Heng Xing     2020-04-06
Because of the porous nature of a tile and grout floor, they are very difficult to keep clean. Recent innovations in technology restoration have made it possible to make a tile floor look new and be much easier to keep clean than the original surface. No matter what the previous condition and how unattractive the floor was, the new restoration technology will bring it back to life. This new and advanced restoration technology is a step above basic cleaning because it also installs durable coatings to the surface of the tile as well as the grout joints. This durable coating will completely eliminate porosity and in turn, seal out food contaminants, urine and dirty mop water. The tile floor will no longer have discolored joints, foul odors or dingy tile. This new and innovative restoration process is called restorative bonding and should not be confused with off the shelf easy fixes like staining, grout painting or re-coloring, which only gives a temporary fix by covering up the porosity problem and is not as long-lasting or effective as what you will achieve with restorative bonding, which actually fixes the problem. The off the shelf, easy fixes also do not have the durability and hardness that restorative bonding has especially when applied by a professional. A professional tile and grout restoration company will apply clear coatings made up of different polymers that are similar to acrylics and urethanes and will provide the necessary durability to withstand long-term foot traffic and cleaning. Not only will this process improve the appearance of your floor, the installation, when applied by trained technicians, will improve the slip-resistance of the floor. To begin a restorative bonding process, the floor is thoroughly prepared by removing all embedded dirt and other contaminates on the surface of the tile. Once thoroughly clean, the grout is 'etched' to ensure the coating bonds well with the grout then, a nonporous, permanent, clear coating is bonded to the grout. Next, the entire surface is coated with the clear, impermeable bonding that will shield the tile and grout floor from any further soiling, protect it from foot traffic and provide durability. In order to be certain you receive all the benefits that restorative bonding can give to your floor, you should only hire a trained and certified, professional installer who has extensive experience with tile and grout restoration. Also, only hire a company that offers a warranty, support services and a guarantee of the longevity and integrity of the work performed. By following these guidelines, you will be able to enjoy your tile floor surface, knowing that it is now a durable floor that will resist further contamination and will be much easier to maintain and for a cost that is much less than tile replacement.
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